Volunteers, contributors to military packing event in Scotts are appreciated

 A military box packing event was held June 5 at the Scotts Community Center.

Donations of baked goods, hygiene products, home made items and other items were brought to the Pride of Scotts and volunteers packed boxes that were later sent to local military personnel stationed in the United States and overseas.

Cash donations were also accepted to help cover the cost of postage.

The following made baked goods, brought items or volunteered: Susan Harvath - cookies; Bob Summerfield - cookies; Arlene - cookies; Sharon Ferr - cookies; Mary Pecten - cookies; Donna Budden - cookies; Sally Smith - cookies, oreos; Judy Lemon - cookies, candy, socks, band aides; Richard and Donna Collins - hygiene packs; Connie Dilno - 2 plastic containers of cookies; Clara Roberts - helper; Barb Sackrider - helper, cookies; Sue Veeder - notepads; Evelyn Bradfield - cookies, helper; Roger Skidmore - helper; Lyn Wright - tuna packs, cookies, money; Mary Ellen Smith - cookies; Marilyn Metty - miscellaneous, money; Pat Longfield - cookies; Ron White - helper.

Pictured are volunteers who assisted packing items for military soldiers at the Scotts Community Center on June 5.
(Photos courtesy of Judy Lemon)

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