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10 Years Ago •••••••••••••••

From the July 4, 2014 Climax Crescent

Climax Village Council Takes First Step Towards
Sharing Lumber Yard Demolition Costs with County

The Climax Village Council took care of three big issues at its regular meeting Tuesday by appointing two candidates to fill a pair of vacant seats, moving closer to resolve the old lumber yard issue and confronting some tree issues that were related to powerful storms that moved through the area early Tuesday morning. Although it was a split decision, the Climax Village Council approved a motion by a 3-2 margin (Kyle Smith and Bruce Rolfe voted no) to pay 50 percent of the cost with the Kalamazoo County Treasurer to demolish the old lumber yard at 240 North Main Street, if County Treasurer Mary Balkema confirms the terms for demolishing the old lumber yard in writing, agrees to place a cap of $20,000 for the Village Council’s share of the cost for demolition and if the County Treasurer will allow the Village to repay the County over more than two years the County had requested to avoid potential budget challenges.

With one trustee seat still vacant and another one that recently became unoccupied after Jim Cummings resigned, the Council filled both positions Tuesday. The Council unanimously approved a motion to appoint Mike Adams to a seat that has been vacant since Tom Jones resigned. Later in the meeting the Council unanimously approved a motion to appoint Gary Gammons to fill another vacancy after the Council carried a motion by a 4-1 margin (Kyle Smith voted no) to accept a letter of resignation from Jim Cummings.

25 Years Ago •••••••••••••••

From the July 2, 1999 Climax Crescent

Galesburg Student Is U.S. National Award Winner

The United States Achievement Academy announced today that Catherine Walker, of Galesburg, has been named a United States National Award Winner in Mathematics.

This award is a prestigious honor very few students can ever hope to attain. In fact, the Academy recognizes fewer than 10% of all American high school students.

Catie, who attends G-A High School, was nominated for this national award by Ed Moreland, a math teacher at the school.

Catie’s name will appear in the United States Achievement Official Yearbook, which is published nationally.

Climax Village Council Looks To Purchase Area For Dirt, Compostable Materials

The Climax Village Council is looking to find a different site it dumps dirt, shrubs, bushes and other compostable items. The council carried a motion at its June 15 meeting to contact a realtor with intentions of purchasing or leasing land for this landfill purpose.

The council wanted to switch sites from its current location near the well field behind Sunnymead Plat as more development takes place in the area.

Village Clerk Scott Torrance said most of the dirt being discarded comes from the cemetery.

50 Years Ago •••••••••••••••

From the July 5, 1974 Climax Crescent

On sale at Sinclairs Market - Climax

Round Steak - lb. $1.29; Large Bologna - lb. 69¢; Ball Park Franks - lb. pkg. 99¢; Nectarines - lb. 49¢; Spartan White Bread - 3 for $1.00, 20 oz. loaf; Popsicles - doz. 49¢.

Severe Storm Hits Climax-Scotts Area

A severe wind and rain storm hit this area shortly alter noon Thursday, July 4th. to topple trees all over town, at least four of them landed on houses. The storm hit with full force very quickly and people said it was a cloud front that engulfed the area with winds going in all directions.

The East Maple Street area in Climax seemed to be hardest hit with three big trees uprooted and dumped, with their tops pointing North — one in the Clark Misenar yard, one between Holcomb’s and Cooley’s and one landed on the Frank Cooley house. The Cooley family were just about ready to leave on vacation, but had their departure time delayed for some time.

75 Years Ago •••••••••••••••

From the July 8, 1949 Climax Crescent

July 4th Celebration Well Attended

The big July 4th Celebration sponsored by the Climax Rotary Club was well attended as a large crowd assembled at the local stadium for the doubleheader baseball game and fireworks. The fireworks consisted of 100 aerial displays which were greatly enjoyed by those present. All persons taking part in this display should be highly commended for their fine work in making this first fireworks display for Climax a success.

The participation of the Fulton, Gear Sheet Metal, Lansing and Climax baseball teams was greatly appreciated. Bob Eberstein should be complimented for his leadership. The Climax Fire Department for helping park cars and taking charge of the fireworks. The Gear Sheet Metal team defeated tho Fulton team in the twilight game by the lop sided score of 15 to 1. Climax Merchants then met the highly favored Lansing All Stars under the lights and blew them off their feet by decisively trouncing them 17 to 9. Climax scored early and piled up a 9 to 0 lead by the end of the second inning. Phil Crowell hurled the first 5 innings of the 7 innings and allowed only 3 hits. Phil also starred at bat with three hits out of 4 times at the plate. Bobby Eberstein banged out two for 3 and Berry 2 for 4. Climax collected 12 hits including 1 double and 2 triples.

At the Gale Theatre, Galesburg - Fountain Grill, Bowling Alleys

2 SHOWS EACH NITE CONTS. SUN. PROM 3:00 Admission Tax Inc. Adults - 35c Children 16c

Friday and Saturday July 8 - 9 IN COLOR “THE PLUNDERERS” — with — Rod Cameron - Ilona Massey - Adrian Booth. Roaring Drama in the Days of America’s Flaming Frontier when the Nation Made its Mighty Westward Surge. Told in the Heart Throbs of the Men Whose Job it Was to Fight and of Women Whose Lot It Was to Love and Wait.

Sunday and Monday July 10-11 “SLIGHTLY FRENCH” — with — Dorothy Lamour, Don Ameche. Was it Her French Accent, or Her Accent on Love? It’s Got What the World Needs More of Love and Music, Youth and Laughter.

100 Years Ago •••••••••••••••

From the July 4, 1924 Climax Crescent


The sixteenth Annual meeting of “The Climax Girls of ‘71” was held Wednesday, June 25, 1924 in Climax at the pleasant home of Mr. and Mrs. J.W. Howard. Members were present from Kalamazoo, Battle Creek, Galesburg and surrounding county.

Dinner was served on the lawn and the “good eats” were there with a mammoth chicken pie made by Aunt Maty Howard. The afternoon program was held in the beautiful grove of Mr. Howards and all nature looked her best. A short business meeting was held and it was decided to retain the same officers another year. On minutes of the year past recorded the death of one ot our members, Mrs. Alice Eldred Carson whom we shall miss.


Owing to the Climax diamond being too wet, Climax played on the Scotts ground last Sunday, shutting out the Gobles Independents 6 to 0.

Next Sunday they will play the Long Lake Team at Ramona Park.