Climax Township Board approves road millage ballot language

By Bruce Rolfe

After lengthy discussion, the Climax Township Board approved a live burn request, at the recommendation of Fire Chief Scott Smith, by a 4-1 margin (Marcia Lewis voted no).

A Climax Township resident, who has purchased property at the corner of Q Avenue and 40th Street, contacted the township about having a main structure and separate garage burned by the Climax Township Fire Department as a training opportunity.

A resident seeking a live burn performed by the local fire department must file paper work with the township. The paper work is also turned into the state for approval. Smith said the state does allow live fire training, however the training has to be done per 1403 standards. The local fire department is not planning on doing live fire training, other than burning the structures and controlling the setting from the outside. Smith adds the local fire department could perform training on the structure before it is burned.

Currently, Climax Township charges $500 per structure if a live burn structure is approved by the State of Michigan.

The resident asked since the township fire department will be using the live burn on the two structures as training opportunities, if the township would waive the fee.

The Climax Township Fire Chief said state law prevents a live burn from taking place within two miles of a school, however the proposed two structures to be burned are more then two miles from a school.

The township board felt the $500 per structure was too low and the fee should be addressed in the future.

The resident would like the structures burned in September.

Road Millage Renewal Ballot Language Reviewed

The Climax Township board approved ballot language changes for a road millage renewal proposal that will be on the November General election ballot.

The township attorney will review and draft ballot language before the township board approves the final ballot language.  

While the township board meets August 13 at 7 p.m., the ballot language proposal must be submitted to the County by 4 p.m., August 13 to be placed on the November ballot. This will require the township board to hold a special meeting on a date that will be determined in the future.

The 1-mill, 10-year road millage renewal from 2025-2034 is for road improvements and maintenance.

New Library Board Member Appointed

With Lawrence Memorial District Library board member Murat Bates stepping down recently, the Climax Township Board unanimously appointed Cindy Speicher to fill the vacancy. Speicher’s term will complete the four year term Bates was appointed to.

Climax Township Fire Department Report

Climax Township Fire Chief Scott Smith said there were 22 calls for service for the month of June. The break down was five EMS calls, two structure fires, six personal injury accidents, three power lines down, four storm damage calls, one citizens complaint, four dispatches canceled enroute, and one person in distress. There were seven calls to provide mutual and two calls for mutual aid received. The local fire department  has responded to 125 calls for service for the year at the end of June.

Planning Commission

Planning Commission member Joel Amos said the Planning Commission met in June, working on deciphering zoning projects. The Planning Commission will continue to meet on a monthly basis, which have been posted at the Township Hall.

With Pete Henry stepping back as a full time Planning Commission member, the Township Board appointed Sydney Peterson to fill the role and Henry will now fill the role as Planning Commission alternate.

In other items covered at the recent meeting:

• The Board started the process to apply for and participate in the National Flood Insurance Program by authorizing clerk Marcia Lewis to begin the application process.

The township attorney will finalize the ordinance, which the township board could consider, along with presenting the application, at its August meeting.

It will take 30 days for approval and then the Township will be a National Flood Insurance Program participant.

• Clerk Marcia Lewis said absentee voter ballots have been sent out and 89 have been returned.

• The Township Board reviewed a proposed amendment to the cemetery ordinance. However, the cemetery ordinance being considered for approval will be delayed until the August meeting after a language question is clarified by the attorney. One change requires 72 hours in advance for a funeral and another change reflects the addition of columbarium language.

• The Township Board unanimously approved replacing one “entering Climax Township” sign entering the township from the east on ON Avenue and purchasing and installing four other signs at locations to be determined later.

• The Climax Township Board expressed interest in having a water resource available at Gilson Cemetery and will continue to research the idea.

An older hand driven well pump has not been functioning for some time, which Piper felt was because the screen was plugged.

• The Township Board unanimously approved adding Rhonda Elliott and Becky Ryder as election inspectors for Climax Township.

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