5K Ruck March (continued)

Consumers Energy donated two of their ladder trucks to hoist the flag for the event

State of MI VFW L to R : Daren Humes and Doug Brinker Mental Health & Welfare Co-Directors; Larry Thayer, State Jr. Vice Commander; Reinhold Yahnka, State Sr. Vice Commander

VA Ann Arbor Health Care System Katherine King and Justin Coats

Randy Locke Jackson College Veterans Center

From Consumers Energy L to R Damien Wetzel, Jodi Potts and Steve Flagg

At left is Mo De La O, from Foxhole, in Troy, Veterans Charity Foundation Mixed Martial Arts; and right is Damien Wetzel, Consumers Energy and Jackson Co. Military Coalition

Detroit Vet Center left Courtney Muir and right Erika Okafor

Jackson native Soldier Isaiah Krieger just out of Army Basic 

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