If I make a decision each day to be caring toward others, kind to others and loving toward others, I can fill my little corner of the world with love and an experience of love. This seems to be so simple. The truth is that it is simple to be loving and kind. But this simplicity of bringing love and kindness to others will happen if I focus on the present moment. I will then slow down and focus on love and how to be more loving. Being kind and loving is a decision that I need to make in each moment. I then experience inner freedom and a quiet joy.
When I make decisions to be kind and loving toward whomever is in my presence, amazing and uplifting feelings fill my heart and mind. This last week of the year brings so many uplifting blessings to me and whoever is in my presence.
Life is meant to be simple. And it is really quite simple to be caring, kind, and loving. This last week of the year is such an inspiration and reminder to be loving and kind. The secret of a happy life is to make this last week of the year with all its goodness and love to remain permanent in our lives throughout the year. And, yes, it is possible. And it can start right now in this present moment in my thoughts and actions. Where love is present, joy is present. Have a loving last week of the year and have it continue for you throughout the whole year. The world changes through love. People change through love. I will change for the better, the more loving I am toward others. I must keep my life simple by always investing in being loving, kind, and caring.
Fred Cavaiani is a licensed marriage counselor and psychologist with a private practice in Troy. He is the founder of Marriage Growth Center, a consultant for the Detroit Medical Center, and conducts numerous programs for groups throughout Southeast Michigan.
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