Women’s Bar hosts ‘Table for Eight’ event in Birmingham

The Women’s Bar Association, Oakland County region of the Women Lawyers Association of Michigan, will host  its signature event, “Table for Eight,” on Thursday, Jan. 23, at 6 p.m. at Madam, 298 S Old Woodward Ave. in Birmingham.  
The evening of great food and conversation will feature special guest Erin Klug, a shareholder at The Dobrusin Law Firm, an Intellectual Property boutique led by all women. Klug counsels large corporations, innovative companies, and solo entrepreneurs regarding intellectual property opportunities and strategy. She guides clients in various industries through the application and registration processes and enforces those rights once granted. Her patent experience in mechanical and electrical arts is broad.

Klug is a past president of both the Women Lawyers Association of Michigan (2022-2023) the Women’s Bar Association (2017-2018), the chair for the Animal Law Section of the State Bar of Michigan, the secretary of the Board of Directors of Barn Sanctuary (an animal non-profit featured on the Animal Planet show “Saved by the Barn”), and is a board member for Attorneys for Animals.

The ticket will cover the attendee’s cost of the event, including appetizers, a salad course, an entree, and one drink.  Space is limited. Deadline for registration is January 21. To register, visit https://womenlawyers.org and click on “events.”

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