Governor announces Biden-Harris administration’s $325M investment to expand semiconductor industry in Michigan

Gov. Gretchen Whitmer announced Tuesday that the Biden-Harris administration provided finalized direct funding of $325 million to Michigan-based manufacturer Hemlock Semiconductor (HSC) to build a new facility supporting 180 permanent, advanced manufacturing jobs and over a thousand good-paying construction jobs. 

The direct funding was made under the Biden-Harris administration’s bipartisan CHIPS and Science Act, which is focused on bringing vital supply chains and good-paying, cutting-edge jobs home to America.  

“Another big win in Michigan! Today’s game-changing investment into Hemlock Semiconductor will create more than 1,180 good-paying manufacturing and construction jobs and help our state continue to lead the future of the semiconductor industry,” said Whitmer. 

Hemlock Semiconductor is one of the largest producers of hyper-pure polysilicon, a critical material for electronics and solar panels, and is the only one headquartered in America. 

The production facility will increase HSC’s manufacturing capacity to support the semiconductor supply chain right here in Michigan.   

The funding represents the largest CHIPS investment in Michigan to date.

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