Daily Briefs

ABA opposes legislation imposing beneficial ownership reporting on small businesses and lawyers

American Bar Association President Hilarie Bass sent a letter to the leaders of the House Financial Services Committee expressing concerns over provisions in the draft of the “Counter Terrorism and Illicit Finance Act.” In particular, the ABA opposes Section 9 of the bill, which would require small corporations and limited liability companies and many of their lawyers to submit extensive information about the companies’ “beneficial owners” to the Treasury Department’s Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN) and that would require FinCEN to disclose the information to many other federal and foreign governmental agencies and financial institutions upon request.

The ABA has worked diligently for years with the legal community, federal law enforcement authorities, international stakeholders and states to advance reforms to combat money laundering and terrorist financing. The ABA supports reasonable and necessary domestic and international measures to fight these illicit activities.

However, the ABA opposes the proposed regulatory approach set forth in Section 9 of the bill because it would impose burdensome, costly and unworkable new regulatory burdens on small businesses and their lawyers; would actually weaken the federal government’s current anti-money laundering and counterterrorist financing tools by suspending FinCEN’s potent new Customer Due Diligence rule; and would be unnecessary because the federal government and the legal profession have developed other tools and taken other steps that are much more effective and practical in fighting money laundering and terrorist financing than the bill’s mandates.


Real estate attorney to  co-present ABA webinar   

Sandra D. Glazier, a principal of the Lipson, Neilson, Cole, Seltzer, Garin, P.C. law firm will co-present along with Laura Joy Lattman a webinar entitled, “Disputes Over Estate or Trust Administration.” Sponsored by the American Bar Association’s Section of Real Property, Trust and Estate Law, and approved for 1.50 general CLE credit hours, the webinar will be held on Dec. 5 from 1-2:30 p.m.

An attorney for more than 35 years, Glazier is known for her expertise and successful track record in probate litigation, estate planning, trust and estate administration, and family law matters. Glazier has had numerous articles published by some of the legal industry’s leading publications. In addition, she has presented on estate planning and probate litigation related topics for several organizations. She has also taught “Valuation for Federal, Estate and Gift Tax Purposes” in a Masters level course.
To register for the webinar, visit: https://shop. americanbar.org/ebus/ABAEventsCalendar/Event Details.aspx?productId=282958369&sc_cid=RPECLE

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