
    January 07, 2016


    1. Yahoo's yahoos
    2. Racial tensions on campus: practical solutions for institutions
    3. A (very) few words to the wise in 2016
    4. Clients are paying for a lot more than a final victory


    1. Chicago's law department under review after police scandal
    2. Officer says he won't testify against colleague
    3. Man who killed 3 women set for execution
    4. 'Zombie Nativity' man challenges suburban zoning violation case


    1. Man behind armed band says he's on mission from God
    2. Q&A: A look at Netflix's documentary 'Making of a Murderer'
    3. National Roundup
    4. Judge tosses $21.5 million verdict in cruise injury case


    1. Autonomous car breakthroughs featured at CES gadget show
    2. Twitter appears ready to expand beyond 140-character tweets
    3. New TV tech promises sharper colors, but not much to watch
    4. A (very) few words to the wise in 2016
    5. Clients are paying for a lot more than a final victory
    6. Yahoo's yahoos
    7. Illinois Chicago's law department under review after police scandal City attorney resigned after being accused of hiding evidence in police shooting
    8. Automotive Autonomous car breakthroughs featured at CES gadget show Legal and government policy issues remain to be resolved
    9. Maryland Officer says he won't testify against colleague
    10. Florida Man who killed 3 women set for execution Inmate married member of his defense team
    11. Technology Twitter appears ready to expand beyond 140-character tweets Company feels pressure from shareholders pining for a bigger audience
    12. Racial tensions on campus: practical solutions for institutions
    13. MSP available to hold seminars on human trafficking
    14. Oregon Man behind armed band says he's on mission from God
    15. Ohio 'Zombie Nativity' man challenges suburban zoning violation case
    16. Technology New TV tech promises sharper colors, but not much to watch
    17. Entertainment Q&A: A look at Netflix's documentary 'Making of a Murderer' Authorities involved in case say series is slanted and omits crucial facts
    18. National Roundup
    19. Wayne Law hires environmental justice coordinator
    20. Elder abuse 'PREVNT' Initiative takes aim at an age-old problem
    21. Suburban deputies can be sued for using Taser on doctor
    22. Presidential Politics 2016 Cash-rich super PACs prolong flagging presidential campaigns
    23. Washington Questions and answers about Obama's executive plan on guns Centerpiece of plan is attempt to clarify who is 'in the business' of selling firearms


    1. MSP available to hold seminars on human trafficking


    1. Wayne Law hires environmental justice coordinator
    2. Elder abuse: 'PREVNT' Initiative takes aim at an age-old problem
    3. Suburban deputies can be sued for using Taser on doctor
    4. Three Honigman attorneys to speak at Ohio Tax Conference
    5. Holiday Cheer