‘The Future of Michigan No-Fault Insurance’ focus of UDM program
The University of Detroit Mercy Law Review will present a symposium titled “The Future of Michigan No-Fault Insurance” on Friday, March 12, from 1 to 6 p.m. on University of Detroit Mercy School of Law’s campus in Detroit.
Featured panelists will include Jim Gross of Gross & Nemeth PLC; Butch Hollowell, an insurance consumer advocate for the State of Michigan; Pete Kuhnmuench, executive director of the Insurance Institute of Michigan; James Mellon of Mellon, McCarthy, & Pries PC; Wayne Miller of Miller & Tischler PC; George Sinas of Sinas, Dramis, Brake, Boughton, & McIntyre PC; and Dan Steele of Vandeveer Garzia.
Topics will include attendant care, consumer rights, exclusions to first-party suits, Kreiner reform, and a historical perspective of Michigan’s No-Fault Auto Insurance.
There is no cost to attend. Light hors d’oeuvres and refreshments will be provided.
To confirm attendance, e-mail udmsymposium@gmail.com.
Policy to limit collateral consequences for juvenile offenders adopted by ABA
The American Bar Association recently passed a resolution urging federal, state, territorial and local governments to limit the collateral consequences imposed on citizens as a result of contact with the juvenile justice system.
Americans across the country find themselves being denied opportunities to progress in society after they have been involved with the juvenile justice system. The ABA has singled out employment and education opportunities as two areas that have the greatest impact relative to integrating and succeeding in society. The policy, adopted at the association’s Midyear Meeting in Orlando, Fla., in February, urges lawmakers to prevent schools and employers from denying opportunities based solely on a mistake that was made as a juvenile.
Chair of the ABA’s Juvenile Justice Committee, Lawrence Wojcik, commented on the resolution stating, “Court-involved children face numerous obstacles imposed by law that adversely impact their attempts to successfully return to their communities. In adopting this policy, the ABA is urging the business, education and government sectors to refrain from placing additional barriers that are not mandated by law in the path of these children. The policy embraces the idea that the best way to help such children is to encourage their return to the community by offering them every opportunity to succeed.”
The policy is available on the ABA’s Criminal Justice Web site at: http://new.abanet.org/sections/criminaljustice/Pages/default.aspx.
Some voters say new constitution too costly
By Kathy Barks Hoffman
AP Political Writer
LANSING, (AP) — Many Michigan voters think holding a convention to rewrite the state’s 1963 constitution is a fine idea — until they learn what it might cost.
Forty-nine percent of 600 likely voters surveyed by Lansing-based EPIC-MRA said they’d vote to hold a constitutional convention if the question was on the ballot today. Thirty-five percent said they’d vote “no” and 16 percent were undecided.
When told a convention could cost taxpayers $45 million, only 23 percent supported it. Seventy-one percent opposed it and 6 percent were undecided.
Voters must decide every 16 years if they want to hold a convention to revise the state constitution.
Results of the Feb. 22-25 poll were released Monday. The poll’s margin of sampling error was plus or minus 4 percentage points.
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