Short Takes (March 18)

NALS of Detroit to elect officers at next meeting

NALS of Detroit will conduct elections of officers at its next meeting on Monday, April 12, at 6 p.m. at the Detroit offices of Miller, Canfield, Paddock, & Stone.

There is no fee to attend, however attendees are asked to bring an item for NALS’ “Summer Survival Basket,” which is the chapter’s fundraiser for the state annual meeting at Doubletree in Bay City.

To confirm attendance, contact NALS Treasurer Cindy Taylor via e-mail at or send name, address, phone, and e-mail to Cindy Taylor, 21368 Green Hill Road, Farmington Hills 48335-4506 by Thursday, April 8.


Citizens United case focus of ACS program, April 13

The Michigan Chapter of the American Constitution Society presents “Corporate Political Speech: Where Do We Go From Here?” on Tuesday, April 13, at 6 p.m. at the Birmingham Conference Center.

The United States Supreme Court’s recent decision in the Citizens United case has radically altered the landscape for corporate political speech. Some view the decision as an essential recognition of the First Amendment rights of corporations, unions, and other organizations. Others view the decision as having a terribly corrosive effect on the political process.

Attendees will hear from two of the leading “thought leaders” on these issues: Mark Brewer, chairman of the Michigan Democratic Party, and Robert LaBrant, senior vice-president and Legal Counsel of the Michigan Chamber of Commerce. Brewer and  LaBrant will discuss and critique the Citizens United decision, discuss some of the proposed legislative responses to the decision (both at the state and federal levels), and offer their insights into how this decision will impact future elections.

This program will be offered on Tuesday, April 13, at 6 p.m. at the Birmingham Conference Center, attached to Birmingham Groves High School (at the intersection of Thirteen Mile and Evergreen Roads—entrance off Evergreen). There is no cost to attend.


Father and son Tasered after courtroom fight

FERNDALE (AP) — Authorities say a father and son who started a fight in a suburban Detroit courtroom were Tasered and face felony charges.

Twenty-six-year-old Joseph N. Riddle II and 64-year-old Joseph N. Riddle Sr. were arraigned Tuesday in Ferndale’s 43rd District on resisting and obstructing police charges. A $1,000 cash bond was set.

Ferndale Police Lt. William Wilson tells the Daily Tribune of Royal Oak that on Monday Riddle’s father joined an argument after the magistrate ordered his son to pay a speeding ticket. Both had been ordered to leave the courtroom.

Wilson said the son “took a closed-fist swing” at one officer, but missed.

Police did not immeditely know if either man had a lawyer.

A March 23 pre-exam conference has been set. Both men face up to two years in prison if convicted.

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