Wendy L. Hoin (right) is the 2011 recipient of Oakland Community College’s Fred M. Mester Award. The award recognizes an outstanding graduate in OCC’s Paralegal program.
Retired Oakland County Circuit Court Judge Fred M. Mester (left), for whom the award is named, presented the award to Hoin on Wednesday, May 25, at the college’s Honor’s Convocation at the Smith Theater on OCC’s Orchard Ridge Campus in Farmington Hills.
Douglas P. Kolly, director of OCC’s Paralegal program, said that, “Wendy Hoin is an example of the high quality graduates that OCC produces. We are proud of her and the program.”
Hoin is a graduate of Oakland University with a degree in Anthropology. She is married to David R. Hoin, finance director for the law firm of Miller Canfield.
“Oakland Community College’s hands-on approach to teaching, including intensive training in related paralegal computer skills, contributed greatly to my success,” Hoin expressed upon receiving the award.
The winner of the Mester Award is chosen annually by the judges and lawyers who instruct in the Paralegal program.
ParaleMester said in his presentation, “I am honored to be able to present this award on behalf of the outstanding OCC faculty of judges and lawyers that teach in the OCC, ABA approved Paralegal program. Wendy is an example of the high quality of men and women who are in this program.”
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