Greek economic crisis focus of Hellenic Bar roundtable, Nov. 10

The Hellenic Bar of Michigan will host a roundtable discussion on the Greek economic crisis on Thursday, Nov. 10, beginning at 5:30 p.m. at Niki's Pizza in Greektown, 734 Beaubien Street in Detroit. Speakers will include: --University of Michigan Professor of Political Science George Tsebelis who will focus his discussion on the political impact. --University of Michigan Business School Doctoral student Stefanos Delikouras who will focus his discussion on the economic and financial detail of the crisis --Attorney and U.S. Trustee Basil T. Simon who will moderate the discussion. Pizza, salad, and beverage are included; cash bar included. Cost is $20 a person. Make check payable to "HBA of Michigan" and mail it to Panayiotis Marselis, treasurer, HBA, 8300 Hall Rd Ste 200, Utica, 48317. Register with and Published: Tue, Nov 8, 2011

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