Seminar on dealing with distressed properties conducted by State Bar

The State Bar of Michigan's Real Property Law Section will present "Dealing with Distressed Properties, Part II-The Lawyer's Guide to Buying Distressed Property" at the Townsend Hotel in Birmingham on Thursday, Jan. 17. Breakfast starts at 7:30 a.m. and roundtables are from 8 to 9:30 a.m. The program will explore the various ways that one can buy distressed real estate. The section will discuss the issues that lawyers face when assisting clients in their efforts to purchase properties at auction, at tax sales, from lenders in possession, through short sales, from land banks, and from bankruptcy trustees. Cost is $85 for section members and $105 for non-section members who pre-register. At the door, section members pay $95 and non-section members pay $115. To register online, visit For additional information, call (517) 346-6300. Published: Fri, Jan 11, 2013

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