On hand to honor Oakland County Assistant Prosecuting Attorney and Special Victims Section Leader Tricia Dare (center) and HAVEN, represented by Social Program Director Megan Wibman (far right), at the Wednesday, April 17, Oakland County Board of Commissioners’ meeting were (left to right) Oakland County Prosecutor Jessica R. Cooper, Commissioner Jim Runestad, and Oakland County Sheriff Michael J. Bouchard. Photo by John Meiu
On Wednesday, April 17, in recognition of National Crime Victim’s Rights Week, April 21-27, Oakland County officials honored Tricia R. Dare, Oakland County assistant prosecuting attorney and Special Victims Section leader, and the HAVEN organization for their outstanding work on behalf of crime victims.
The Victims Services Distinction Awards were presented by Oakland County Commissioner Jim Runestad, Oakland County Sheriff Michael J. Bouchard, and Oakland County Prosecutor Jessica Cooper in the Oakland County Board of Commissioners’ Auditorium in Pontiac.
The adoption of Runestad’s resolution #12269, established the Victim Services Distinction Award in December 2012. This award focuses on the importance of service providers and their contributions to the more than 4,700 individuals who become victims of crime each year. This award is supported by the Board of Commissioners who also supported the resolution.
“I believe that those serving on the frontline helping crime victims should be recognized for their exceptional work. Oftentimes, their work goes unnoticed, but is crucial, not only to victims, but also the medical community and justice system, when solving crimes and helping victims reclaim their lives,” Runestad said.
Runestad has collaborated with Bouchard and Cooper to recognize those who provide valuable services to crime victims. Bouchard and Cooper were instrumental in the selection of the award recipients, Tricia R. Dare and HAVEN for their professional innovation in victim services.
“Assistant Prosecuting Attorney Tricia Dare is a well-respected prosecutor who dedicates herself to protecting our most vulnerable victims and is truly deserving of recognition. She makes a positive difference each and every day,” Bouchard noted.
HAVEN is a nationally recognized non-profit leader in Oakland County and surrounding communities providing comprehensive solutions and innovative programs that promote violence-free homes and communities. It is committed to eliminating domestic violence and sexual assault through treatment and prevention services.
“I am pleased that the Board of Commissioners has chosen to recognize the dedication and hard work it takes to represent, and bring justice to, victims of crime in our county and state courtrooms on a daily basis. It is also recognition of the necessity of community education for the prevention of violent crime and the advocacy and treatment for those who become victims,” Cooper said.
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