Poodle reunited with girl who sued to get it back

FARMINGTON HILLS (AP) -- A 10-year-old girl who sued her mom's ex-boyfriend for the return of her poodle has been reunited with the animal. Hannah Wise said Mitchell Rechter wouldn't return Mystery after she and her mother moved out of his home last spring. The Farmington Hills girl filed suit last month in Oakland County with the consent of her mother, Adrienne Lenhoff. The suit also claims Rechter won't return other items belonging to Lenhoff including jewelry, golf shoes and a Cuisinart toaster. Hannah tells The Detroit News that she "started crying" when she got the miniature white poodle back last Friday. Lawyers for Hannah, her mother and Rechter were to discuss the case Monday. Rechter's lawyer has said the girl left the dog with him and that he'd grown attached to it. Published: Tue, Nov 26, 2013