Michigan Gov. Rick Snyder (seated), state Rep. Lisa Posthumus Lyons (far left), along with Lisa and Doug Rutter of Rochester and their sons, 6-year-old Evan and 4-year-old Hayden, pose for a photo after the governor signed House Bills 4352 and 4353. (Photo courtesy of State of Michigan)
On Tuesday, Gov. Rick Snyder signed legislation to help protect Michigan children suffering from dangerous and life-threatening food allergies by making sure schools carry epinephrine injectors.
House Bills 4352 and 4353 require schools to have at least two injectors onsite and have at least two staff members trained to use the devices. The bills, approved with strong bipartisan support, are sponsored by state Rep. Lisa Posthumus Lyons.
“Food allergies are becoming more common and the risks to children are greater,” Snyder said. “By making sure our schools are equipped with these devices, we can help protect our students.”
The devices provide inexpensive and effective emergency treatment for anaphylaxis brought on by food allergies.
“Nothing is more important than keeping our kids safe at school and thanks to the Governor Snyder’s signature and the leadership of lawmakers like Representative Lyons, our schools will be safer than ever,” said Lisa Rutter, a mother of two and the Founder of the No Nuts Moms Group who attended Tuesday’s bill signing. “Adding epinephrine auto injectors to our schools’ emergency tool kits will protect kids from the sort of unexpected and life threatening food allergies that have tragically claimed so many lives on playgrounds and in classrooms in other states.”
It is estimated that one of every 13 children suffers from food allergies—roughly two per classroom. Common food allergies include peanuts, milk, soy, wheat and fish. Other causes of anaphylaxis include bee stings, latex and exercise.
The injectors immediately deliver epinephrine into the victim’s system, slowing down the allergic reaction to give emergency personnel time to provide further treatment.
The bills are now Public Acts 186 and 187 of 2013. Visit legislature.michigan.gov for additional information.
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