'Twibel' focus of program offered by local attorney

  The first case of Twitter libel (“Twibel”) went to trial in 2014.  Online defamation appears to be more prevalent than ever.  

Kathy Ossian will discuss the elements of libel and details of specific claims and results during “‘Twibel’ and Other Forms of Online Defamation.”  Attendees will learn steps to avoid being the victim (or perpetrator) of online defamation.  The program will be offered Thursday, May 15, from 8 to 9:30 a.m. at Ossian Law PC, 701 Woodward Heights, Suite 117, in Ferndale.

The program is complimentary to Ossian Law clients; $25 for all others.  Continental breakfast is included. Space is limited.  Register  online at https://events.benchmarkemail.com/event/9A7248396.  Additional information can be found online at OssianLaw.com.

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