State authorities kick off drunken driving crackdown

ROSEVILLE (AP) - Law enforcement officials in 40 Michigan counties kicked off a new enforcement campaign aimed at curbing drunken driving. The "Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over" campaign started last Friday and runs through Sept. 1, including the Labor Day weekend. Law enforcement officers from 150 local police departments, sheriff offices and Michigan State Police posts will conduct stepped up drunk driving and seat belt enforcement. As part of the effort, the campaign is using the fictitious Traffic Safety Brewing Company to get its message through to drivers. "Call a Cab Cider" and "Left My Keys at Home Lager" are safety-themed brews reminding people to drink alcohol responsibly. Additional details, including a list of counties involved, are posted on the Michigan State Police website. -------- Online: More details: Published: Mon, Aug 18, 2014