Judges Wendy Potts and James Alexander of the Oakland County Business Court have announced that the Court has created a “Model Protective Order” to help members of the bar resolve the often difficult issues that arise when protective orders are requested.
“Lawyers often have trouble agreeing on the exact language to be included in a protective order which leads to the court having to make a decision during motion call,” observed Potts. “Because of the highly confidential nature of the information, it’s essential that a protective order be issued in most cases.”
To solve the problem, the court asked members of the “Business Court Advisory Committee” to work with the courts’ staff attorneys and develop a model order. After several discussions, and multiple drafts, the Business Court has placed the model order on its website.
“We can’t thank the bar and our staff attorneys enough for the hard work that went into this project,” said Alexander. “While the order is not mandatory, it does give the business bar a guide to what the judges would suggest in a protective order.”
Lawyers Peter Alter and Sharon Woods provided much appreciated leadership on this project, working closely with Ann Erickson-Gault, and Derek Howard, staff attorneys for Judges Potts and Alexander.
The model order can be accessed at www.oakgov.com/courts/businesscourt/.
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