The Aging & Adult Services Agency (AASA), under the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services, today issued a Request for Proposal (RFP) open to Michigan's aging network and its partners to help combat some of the fastest growing crimes in the state, crimes against older adults.
Funding is available to applicants under AASA's Prevent Elder and Vulnerable Adult Abuse, Exploitation, Neglect Today (PREVNT) initiative, which seeks to implement tools and systems to detect and address elder abuse, neglect and exploitation in Michigan.
At least $25,000 and up to $1 million is available for organizations to provide AASA with a strategic plan or project to meet the initiative's goals. Funding may be awarded to a single grantee or multiple grantees.
Proposals must be submitted electronically to the contact listed on the RFP by 3 p.m. Eastern Standard Time on Tuesday, Sept. 1. The PREVNT initiative project period is Oct. 1, 2015 through Sept. 30, 2016.
For additional information about the RFP, visit,4635,7-234--361283--,00.html.
The state estimates that as many as 90,000 older adults in Michigan are victims of elder abuse every year, with many of these crimes going unreported. Nationally, up to 5 million older Americans are abused every year, according to the National Council on Aging.
If someone suspects elder abuse, neglect, or exploitation, call Adult Protective Services at 855-444-3911. If someone is in immediate danger, call 911 or the local police.
Visit the AASA website,, or Facebook page for more information.
Published: Wed, Aug 12, 2015