The Oakland County Bar Association will present a seminar titled “Go Paperless, The Benefits (and Risks) of a Paperless Practice” on Thursday, September 24, from 5 to 6:30 p.m. at the Oakland County Bar Center, 1760 S. Telegraph Rd., Suite 100, in Bloomfield Hills.
Attorney Tom Howlett will be presenting on ways to make an office paperless. Attendees are free to bring their tablet or computer along. Topics will include:
— Ethical considerations in going paperless.
— First steps in eliminating paper.
— Equipment needed for going paperless for less than $500.
— Creating and saving PDFs.
— Apps that benefit the paperless lawyer.
— Building momentum in a paperless practice.
— Utilizing cloud storage.
— Including cell phones and tablets in a paperless practice.
— Bonus: Taming the email dragon.
Cost is $30 for pre-registered members, $40 non-members ($10 additional charge for those registering at the door). Register online at For additional information, call 248-334-3400.
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