– Photo by John Meiu
The Oakland County Board of Commissioners honored Todd Lipa (second from right), the recipient of the USA Unites Award from the USA Brighthouse Network, during the Wednesday, October 7, board meeting in Pontiac. Lipa received a proclamation recognizing his recent award and outstanding work on behalf of the City of Farmington Hills. He currently serves as the City of Farmington Hills Youth and Services director and is credited for the community’s low juvenile delinquency rates as a result of initiating in 1995 an afterschool program that he worked closely with the mayor to create. On hand for the presentation of the proclamation were (left to right) Commissioners Helaine Zack, Bill Dwyer, Marcia Gershenson, Janet Jackson. “Todd Lipa has served the Farmington Hills community with distinction and his work has helped to provide a safe space with learning options for young people that has deterred many youth from juvenile crimes,” stated Dwyer, former Farmington Hills Police chief.