By Steve Thorpe
LaCombe: Possibly, if compliant with the requirements of the educational institution in which they are enrolled and the degree program.
LaCombe: To employ a STEM OPT extension beneficiary, an employer would be required to devise a customized training program and designate a mentor for each F-1 STEM student. The student’s designated school official (DSO) would be required to review the plan and verify that the student’s proposed employment is directly related to his or her STEM degree before the DSO could endorse the student for the OPT extension.
Each employer would be required to attest (1) that the compensation paid to the F-1 student during the STEM extension period will be comparable to what the employer offers to similarly situated U.S. workers; (2) that it will not terminate, lay off or furlough a U.S. worker as a result of the STEM OPT training opportunity; (3) that it has the funds and personnel resources to train and mentor the STEM student; and (4) that the training is directly related to the student’s STEM degree.
Every six months during the OPT extension period, employers would be required to complete an evaluation of the F-1 student that documents the student’s progress toward meeting the training goals set forth in the plan. Employers would be subject to site visits by Immigration and Customs Enforcement to verify that the student’s activities are consistent with the plan.
The employer’s obligation to register and participate in E-Verify in order to employ an F-1 during the STEM OPT extension period would be unchanged by the proposed rule.
The obligations set forth in the proposal would apply to employment during the STEM OPT extension period only. They would not apply to the 12-month post-completion OPT period.
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