Annual 'Celebrating Our Diverse Bar' Mixer hosted on March 10

The 7th Annual  Michael K. Lee “Celebrating Our Diverse Bar” Mixer will be hosted Thursday, March 10, from 5 to 7:30 p.m. at Traffic Jam & Snug in Detroit.

Friends and colleagues from local and affinity bar associations throughout Metro Detroit will gather for an evening celebrating the diversity of the legal community. This special event is a fun, relaxed opportunity for local attorneys to make new connections and strengthen their existing networks.

State Bar of Michigan President Lori A. Buiteweg will provide a few brief remarks.

Admission is $20, $10 for students, and complimentary for members of the judiciary. Advance registration is required for everyone. There will be a cash bar.

For additional information or to register, contact Darlene Trudell of the Detroit Metropolitan Bar Association at or 313-961-6120 x201.

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