Featured judges increasing efficiency in their courts & improving service to the public
The Michigan Supreme Court recently released “Michigan’s Judiciary Success Stories: How Michigan Judges Are Driving Change.” The 28-page booklet profiles 12 Michigan trial court judges who are leading efforts to measure and report on court performance, to implement technology to increase efficiency and access, and to reengineer court processes to streamline operationsand save money.
Some highlights:
Reunifying Families is How Judge Dobrich Measures Performance—Chief Judge Susan Dobrich, of 43rd District Court in Cass County, highlighted the overall success rate of 62 percent in reunifying families that participate in Family Treatment Court. Because success was clearly documented, the program received additional funding.
Judge Kelly Is Using Technology to Serve the Court and the Community—Chief Judge William Kelly, of 62B District Court in Kentwood, puts technology to work in his courtroom for video arraignments, advice of rights (in four different languages), jury instructions, obtaining qualified interpreters, sentencing, witness testimony, evidence presentation, and more.
How Do You Reengineer a Court? Judge Brickley Believes It Starts with Communication—When Chief Judge Kathleen Brickley, of 36th Circuit Court in Van Buren County, took office, she had major reengineering projects in mind to improve service, save money, and help her staff be more productive. To get the job done, she took a very hands-on approach, listening and responding to staff concerns, getting help from the State Court Administrative Office (SCAO), and learning from mentors.
Judge Sullivan Wants to Help Courts Get Past Their Performance Measurement Anxieties—Judge Paul Sullivan, of 17th Circuit Court in Kent County, heads a SCAO committee of judges and court administrators working with Michigan trial courts to address and implement performance measurement. Sullivan is proud that the committee’s successes, particularly in the area of public satisfaction, have given the judiciary more visibility and a “willing ear” among state leaders.
Presiding over a Veterans Treatment Court Isn’t Just a Job; It’s an Adventure for Judge Bronson—As a Navy veteran himself, Judge Terrence Bronson, of Monroe County Veterans Treatment Court, is dedicated to helping local vets return to society as productive citizens and keeping them out of the criminal justice system by serving as a resource for those who suffer from service-related maladies.
Find the profiles at www.courts.mi.gov/successstories.
Read more about MSC Top 10 Accomplishments and Driving Change initiative at http://courts.mi.gov/Administration/SCAO/Pages/driving-change.aspx.
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