CEOs of Avvo, LegalZoom, RocketLawyer headline ABA TECHSHOW

The CEOs of Avvo, LegalZoom and RocketLawyer will share the stage as they discuss the technological obstacles and opportunities for the legal profession during the keynote presentation at the American Bar Association TECHSHOW 2017, March 15-18 at the Hilton Chicago. This conference will also include two plenary sessions, one of which will feature ABA President Linda Klein speaking about the ABA as a technology accelerator in the law.

ABA TECHSHOW 2017 Conference and Expo, presented by the ABA Law Practice Division, is where lawyers, legal professionals and technology come together. For three days, attendees learn about the most useful and practical technologies available to the legal industry.

The keynote presentation will be held on Friday, March 17, and will feature Mark Britton (Avvo), Charley Moore (RocketLawyer), and John Suh (LegalZoom) whose companies continue to reshape the legal landscape. Moderators Paula Frederick and Judy Perry Martinez will facilitate the group discussion about maintaining the legal profession’s foundational values while embracing opportunities afforded by technology that benefit both attorneys and the clients they serve.

Other conference highlights include two plenary sessions:

• “ABA: A Technology Accelerator in the Law” — ABA President Linda A. Klein is the keynote speaker. The ABA is actively involving accomplished women lawyers in technology on issues ranging from access to justice to cybersecurity. Technology is also helping to drive the ABA’s rule of law work and its innovative offerings to help lawyers do what they do best – practice law.

• “The Future IS Now: Creating Opportunities for Your Firm in a Changing Marketplace” — As the marketplace for legal services changes, it creates opportunities for enterprising lawyers to capitalize on those changes. What are the biggest forces changing the market, and how can lawyers in any practice setting take advantage of them? Industry experts will share their ideas for evolving the law practice to meet the needs of the changing consumer, and offer suggestions on how to overcome roadblocks to redefining delivery of legal services ethically and profitably in a changing environment.

Two added features this year will be a Tech for Justice Hackathon+Veterans, which over three days will develop community models and technology tools to improve access to justice for veterans and those who aim to support them; and an Academic Track, a two-day workshop that will bring together law school faculty, students and leaders with legal technologists and practitioners to share ideas and techniques on the technology comprehension and practical skills law students need as they enter the practice of law.

For additional information or to register for ABA TECHSHOW 2017, visit

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