The Association of Legal Administrators (ALA) Metropolitan Detroit Chapter hosted a lunch meeting Wednesday, March 8, featuring guest speaker Phyllis Randolph Frye (sixth from left) on the subject of “Transgender People in Today’s Culture: Social, Legal & Political Issues.” Welcoming Frye to Eddie Merlot’s in Bloomfield Hills were (left to right) ALA Director of Business Partner Relations Cynthia Whitcomb, ALA Secretary Linda Reyna, ALA Director of Membership Denise Doherty, ALA Newsletter Chairperson Lyn Calu, ALA Education, Meetings, & Publicity Co-Director Dawn Fraczek, ALA Vice-President/President Elect Geri Calvetti, ALA Community Connections Chairperson Andrea Young, ALA Education, Meetings, & Publicity Co-Director Cara Blazek, ALA Diversity Chairperson Laura Davis, ALA President Melissa Clark, ALA Website Chairperson Beth Lockwood, and ALA Assistant Treasurer Kathy Batts. Frye is an associate judge for the City of Houston Municipal Courts. She is the first openly transgender judge appointed in Texas. Frye is acknowledged as being the “Grandmother” of the national transgender legal and political movement. She is a senior partner in the Houston law firm of Frye, Oaks, Benavidez, and O’Neil.
– Photo by John Meiu
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