Every day there are new threats facing law firms beyond the practice of law, namely data breaches and cyber attacks. It is crucial that law firms devote sufficient resources to ensuring the security of client data. If a breach occurs, client files may inadvertently end up for sale on the dark web, in the hands of investigative journalists or with detrimental groups.
"Law Firm Cybersecurity," a new release from the American Bar Association, is a resource that provides law firms with the tools needed to defend against data breaches. From giving an overview of cybersecurity vulnerability and the law firm, to types of cyber threats, to making organizations "hacker proof," this guide is a valuable resource that highlights the risks faced, addresses prevention and what to do if a breach occurs.
"Law Firm Cybersecurity" is written by Daniel Garrie, a seasoned e-discovery special master, forensic neutral and mediator who is retained for complex, high-stakes cases around the country. Garrie is the senior partner and co-founder of Seattle-based Law & Forensics LLC, a technology consulting firm that specializes in e-discovery, software, computer forensics and cybersecurity.
Co-author Bill Spernow is a director with Law & Forensics in the Atlanta area, specializing in forensic analysis, defense in depth enterprise level security projects, incident response events, zero-day exploits and hacking activity. Spernow has extensive experience in information security at both the strategic and tactical levels gained from his practice in both the public and private sectors.
The book also benefits from direct contributions from an additional eleven experts and leaders in data protection, information technology and cybersecurity. Their backgrounds and experience bring a wealth of knowledge that will help law firms protect their assets.
"Law Firm Cybersecurity" costs $59.95 and can be ordered by calling 800-285-2221 or online at http://shopaba.org.
Published: Fri, Jun 30, 2017