Oakland County is among the most digitally-advanced counties in the United States for the 13th year in a row, County Executive L. Brooks Patterson announced Monday. The 2017 Digital Counties Survey by the Center for Digital Government (CDG) and the National Association of Counties (NACo) has ranked Oakland County among the top counties that maximize services and improve transparency through the strategic use of technology.
“The ongoing innovation by Oakland County’s information technology team delivers high-quality, cost-effective services both to our customers as well as other governments,” Patterson said.
“Our commitment to digital excellence continues to garner national recognition.”
Among Oakland County’s IT achievements is collaborating with other governments in the cloud. The county launched G2G Cloud Solutions (G2Gcloud.com) to improve government services by sharing technology with other government agencies at little or no cost, thereby reducing the cost of government. The county also developed G2G Marketplace (G2Gmarket.com) to offer solutions from government partners and approved vendors to government agencies through an online store experience.
“Everything we do is about discovering more efficient ways to deliver government services through the use of technology while collaborating with other governments,” Deputy County Executive/CIO Phil Bertolini said. “G2G Cloud Solutions and G2G Marketplace are the result of our vision as a digital county.”
Todd Sander, CDG executive director, said being a digital county plays a key role in serving residents.
“Digital counties are leveraging technology to improve the ways they conduct business and engage with citizens in increasingly innovative and exciting ways. The Center for Digital Government congratulates this year’s winners for their work to reduce costs, encourage citizen engagement, increase efficiencies and proactively address citizen expectations,” Sander said.
NACo Executive Director Matthew Chase said being a digital county helps residents while saving taxpayers money.
“As technology continues to grow in all facets of our lives, county governments are adapting and innovating. The Digital Counties Survey spotlights how counties deploy technology to enhance services and benefit residents while being responsible stewards of taxpayer resources,” Chase said.
For more information about the 2017 Digital Counties Survey, go to http://bit.ly/CDG-DigitalCos2017.
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