Lt. Gov. Brian Calley last Thursday signed legislation that ensures the safety of children in child care facilities by updating requirements and provisions needed to work in these settings in Michigan.
“The safety of our children is a top priority and this legislation ensures we have the best safety standards in our child care facilities,” said Calley.
Senate Bills 180-183, sponsored by state Sens. Tonya Schuitmaker, Dave Hildenbrand and Hoon-Yung Hopgood, respectively, update licensing provisions for child care facilities to meet new federal standards while lessening administrative burdens on providers. The bills are now Public Acts 256-259 of 2017.
Calley also signed eight additional measures:
• House Bill 5126, sponsored by state Rep. Daniela Garcia, clarifies that restraint and seclusion policies do not apply to law enforcement officials working under contract or agreement in a public school. The exemption for law enforcement still maintains the documentation, reporting, and data collection provisions of the law. It is now PA 260.
• Senate Bills 570-573, sponsored by state Sens. Dave Hildenbrand, Jack Brandenburg, Dave Robertson and John Proos, respectively, provide flexibility for companies applying for and receiving personal property tax exemptions by allowing filings to be considered on time if postmarked by the Feb. 20 deadline. It also allows taxpayers who miss the filing deadline for these exemptions to file a late application directly with the March Board of Review. The bills are now PAs 261-264.
• Senate Bills 72-73 and 220, sponsored by state Sen. Steve Bieda, update parole eligibility requirements related to certain habitual drug offenses to reflect smarter criminal justice practices by eliminating outdated life without parole sentences for these non-violent offenses. The bills are now PAs 265-267.
Article V Section 26 of the Michigan Constitution gives authority to the lieutenant governor to sign legislation when the governor is out of state.
For additional information on this and other legislation, visit
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