THE COUNSELOR'S CORNER: Having an abundant life

By Fred Cavaiani

This article is a compilation of my daily meditations of the last few days.

When I follow the ways of the spirit I discover God. The ways of the spirit for me are daily prayer and meditation, spiritual reading, and investing my emotional and spiritual energy in God. Two other ways of the spirit are staying in my heart and not my head and not investing in resenting or condemning others in my head and in my words.

An internal abundant life of peace and serenity becomes a choice of who and what I turn toward and surrender. If it is a turning toward ego, selfishness, money, possessions, attachments, and addictions, then that will control me and make me miserable. If it is a turning toward God through prayer and meditation and being a kind and loving person, then God will take over and pour into me His grace, peace, joy and wisdom. But we are given a choice. Each day and each moment I can make that decision to turn toward God. And as soon as I ask for help in doing this, God helps me and gives me the strength to stay closely connected to Him. Each moment of life is meant to be a deeper immersion in God. Be quiet and reflective, be loving and kind and keep making the right choice. Everything then becomes a stepping stone to a deeper union with God. Make that decision to always turn your life and will over to the care of God. This is why I need a lot of quiet time with God each day.

Calmness and peace results when I am "building up instead of tearing down." It is important to always look for the good in people and not to tear down others. When I tear down others I am blocking the calmness and peace of God from enveloping me. When I affirm others, my heart opens up wide to God. Peace and calm is the result of being more affirming and loving with everyone and quieter in spending time in prayer and meditation. Both are absolutely needed. If I am unloving then my quiet time becomes an exercise in spiritual narcissism. If I keep making the effort to be affirming and loving my quiet time will then become a deeper openness and surrender to God. God please help me to be more loving with others and quieter with You.

Each day I am reminded of the "Blind Alleys" in my life. Attachments, addictions, resentments, investing energy in how I think others should be, and gossip about others. These "Blind Alleys" imprison me and will control me and destroy my peace. Daily meditation and sharing my inner self with others help me to not travel down these Alleys which lead nowhere. The Love of God is healing, energizing and comforting. So, stay quiet and reflective and ask for more gratitude and humility.

To avoid the "Blind Alleys" of resentments, holding on to hurt feelings, and just being selfish, I need to listen to God. God speaks to me and heals me when I take quiet time each day to be with Him. God speaks to me when I am grateful. God speaks to me when I reach out in kindness to others. But when I avoid meditation, gratitude, kindness and compassion, I stop listening to this God who is always speaking to me. Listen more, Fred. More meditation, more gratitude, more compassion, more acts of kindness toward others.

When I am quiet and reflective in meditation and make the effort to be compassionate toward others, life becomes more joyful and fulfilling. I then can bring something positive to the world. My life becomes immersed in God and in Love. This I believe is a very abundant life.


Fred Cavaiani is a licensed marriage & family therapist and psychotherapist with a private practice in Troy. He is the founder of Marriage Growth Center, a consultant for the Detroit Medical Center, and Henry Ford Medical Center. He conducts numerous programs for groups throughout Southeastern Michigan he is also on staff at Capuchin Retreat Center in Washington, MI. His column in the Legal News runs every other Tuesday. He can be reached at 248-362-3340. His e-mail address is: and his website is

Published: Tue, Jan 30, 2018