Snyder signs legislation improving access to select hunting licenses

Last Friday, Gov. Rick Snyder signed legislation that gives hunters from Michigan and other states better access to select hunting licenses.

“Residents and visitors alike should be able to experience all that Pure Michigan’s natural resources have to offer,” Snyder said. “Hunting is a great way to do that, and these bills give hunters expanded options to enjoy our great outdoors.”

House Bill 4533, sponsored by state Rep. Curtis VanderWall, allows individuals purchasing a three-day or seven-day limited nonresident small game license to purchase a waterfowl hunting license without the purchase of a base license. The bill also creates a three-day limited nonresident small game license at a cost of $50. The bill is now Public Act 3 of 2018.

House Bill 4957, sponsored by state Rep. Gary Howell, amends the Natural Resources and Environmental Protection Act to allow an individual who purchased a Mentored Youth Hunting License to purchase additional licenses, including antlerless deer licenses, a bear hunting license, and an elk hunting license. The bill is now Public Act 4 of 2018.

Snyder signed six additional measures:

• Senate Bill 207, sponsored by state Sen. Mike Green, amends the Michigan State Police Act to expand the physical area where security employees can exercise limited arrest authority.

The bill is now PA 5 of 2018.

• Senate Bill 525, sponsored by state Sen. Rick Jones, revises the number of judges in some circuit and district courts. The bill is now PA 6 of 2018.

• Senate Bill 702, sponsored by state Sen. Phillip Pavlov, amends the Educational Instruction Access Act to clarify that deed restrictions cannot prohibit the sale of a property when it will be
used for lawful educational purposes. The bill is now PA 7 of 2018.

• House Bill 4849, sponsored by state Rep. Julie Alexander, updates the way money previously collected by a county treasurer for cemetery lot care will be invested or disbursed. Going forward, county treasurers will no longer collect this money. The bill is now PA 8 of 2018.

• House Bill 4940, sponsored by state Rep. Edward Canfield, amends current statute to reduce the number of districts represented on the Michigan Bean Commission as well as adding an at-large member. The bill is now PA 9 of 2018.

• House Bill 5144, sponsored by state Rep. Klint Kesto, improves the licensing and regulation of marihuana facilities by adding definitions to clarify terms; adding protections for CPAs and financial institutions working with licensees; streamlining the process for municipalities to authorize marihuana facilities; clarifying which types of licensees may transfer marihuana or parts of marihuana; and clarifying when the use of a secure transporter is required. The bill is now PA 10 of 2018.

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