The Healthy Pontiac, We Can! (HPWC) coalition is asking Pontiac residents to help identify key issues affecting health and wellness by completing a community survey. Survey results will help HPWC respond to community concerns and prioritize future initiatives in Pontiac. Pontiac residents over the age of 18 can participate by visiting
"It is extremely important to have the voices of Pontiac residents heard as Healthy Pontiac, We Can! begins to plan future activities," said Leigh-Anne Stafford, health officer for the Oakland County Health Division. "This survey is a great way for the community to provide feedback."
The survey asks residents opinions on topics ranging from access to physical activity and grocery stores, to thoughts about various health issues in Pontiac. It also focuses on the use of public parks, transportation, and availability of medical and dental care facilities.
The survey was also distributed to Pontiac residents in 2011 and 2015. Using the results, Oakland County Health Division and other coalition partners have secured multiple grant funds, on behalf of HPWC, to do various projects within the city of Pontiac. These include installing adult fitness stations in Oakland and Beaudette Parks, as well as bike racks and bike fix-it stations throughout the city and along the Clinton River Trail in Pontiac. Some current projects include working with St. Joseph Mercy Oakland hospital to implement a healthy eating choices campaign, increasing physical activity opportunities, and supporting "pop-up" produce markets with Sprout Fresh Food Store.
To receive paper copies of the survey, email Paper copies of the surveys are available in English and Spanish.
Oakland County Health Division formed HPWC in 2011 under the leadership of Oakland County Executive L. Brooks Patterson, to help Pontiac residents gain access to healthy food, physical activity opportunities, and tobacco-free living. HPWC is a diverse group of educators, human service agency specialists, faith-based representatives, government leaders, healthcare professionals, public and mental health experts, and residents.
To find out more information about HPWC, visit, find them on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram @healthypontiac, or email
Published: Wed, Mar 07, 2018