Women's Bar planning Annual Dinner, May 31

The Women’s Bar Association (WBA), Oakland County Region of the Women Lawyers Association of Michigan (WLAM), will host its 2018 Annual Dinner Thursday, May 31, from 5:30 to 8 p.m. at the Birmingham Athletic Club, 4033 West Maple Road in Bloomfield Hills. 

The WBA will be presenting its annual awards, including the Evelyn Forrest Distinguished Advocate Award, the Joan Young Judicial Excellence Award, and the Sarah Killgore Wertman Scholarship. 

A swearing-in of the new executive board for 2018-19 will also occur. New WBA officers include: President Tanya Lundberg; Immediate Past President Erin Klug; President-Elect Erin Flynn; Vice President Katie Pacynski; Recording Secretary Deanna Kossaras; Communications Secretary Nicole Coleman; Treasurer Kristina Bilowus; and WLAM Representative Stephanie Martin.

Cost for WLAM members is  $65; non-members pay $80; and students pay $50. For additional information or to register, visit www.womenlawyers.org/leadership/wlam-regions/oakland-womens-bar-association/#!event-list.

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