Honorees recognized by MAJ

The Michigan Association for Justice (MAJ) hosted its Annual Banquet on Saturday, May 12, at the Westin Book Cadillac in Detroit. During the evening, Michigan Supreme Court Justice Bridget McCormack (above, center) was honored with the Judicial Excellence Award. On hand to congratulate McCormack were (above, left to right) Lori Shemka, David Arnold, Steven Croley, and Nino Monea.

Also honored that evening was MAJ Past-President Michael Pitt (above) who received the Champion of Justice award. Pitt, of Pitt, McGehee, Palmer, Rivers PC, happily welcomed the banquet’s guest speaker Gretchen Whitmer (pictured with Pitt), candidate for Michigan governor. In addition, the event featured a toast posthumously honoring Judge Richard M. “Dick” Skutt, a past president of MAJ.

– Photos by John Meiu

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