On Monday, the Oakland County Human Trafficking Task Force (HTTF), in partnership with Common Ground, held a press conference to announce the organization’s expanded and enhanced human trafficking crisis support services, including new 24-hour text and online chat lines, and specialized human trafficking training for crisis counselors.
These services will provide local trafficking victims access to expertly trained crisis support counselors 24-hours a day, seven days a week. Victims can call or text 800-231-1127 or access the online chat service via the Common Ground website at www.commongroundhelps.org. These services will also help to gather critical data regarding human trafficking in Oakland County, which in turn can be used to better inform the Task Force and its allies in their collaborative effort to fight this terrible crime locally and regionally.
“These improved and expanded services are a great addition to the already important and comprehensive crisis support programming provided by Common Ground at a local level,” said Oakland County Commissioner Michael Spisz, who chairs the HTTF and opened the press conference. “We have many great partners in the battle against human trafficking, and this is another step forward to help victims within Oakland County and the region.”
Common Ground President & CEO Heather Rae shared detailed information about the services they are providing and discussed the wide range of programming Common Ground offers to survivors to help them recover from trauma and rebuild their lives. These services include crisis intervention and assessment, intensive case management and counseling, emergency shelter and clothing, financial assistance, substance abuse support, legal assistance, career counseling and so much more.
“Common Ground is proud to partner with the task force in this important effort,” said Rae. “Our team is here to help guide these victims from crisis to hope.”
Oakland County Commissioners Eileen Kowall and Janet Jackson, who also serve on the HTTF also spoke, sharing the mission of the Task Force and emphasizing the critical importance of partnerships across agencies, law enforcement, municipalities and other organizations and individuals involved in combatting human trafficking and rehabilitating survivors.
“It takes widespread collaboration and outreach to identify and protect the most vulnerable in our communities,” Jackson said. “In Southfield, FBI strings have uncovered human trafficking victims that are minors. These are children who have been victimized and urgently need help to get out of terrible situations. We will continue working with Common Ground and our other partners in Oakland County to reach and rehabilitate victims.”
“Having resources in place to help victims escape entrapment is a significant step forward in our fight against human trafficking,” Kowall said. “On behalf of the Task Force, I am grateful and impressed with the 24/7 crisis support Common Ground has put in place.”
The Board of Commissioners created the Oakland County HTTF in response to the serious threat that human trafficking poses to vulnerable people in Oakland County, and to the safety and health of all its residents. The bipartisan leadership of the HTTF includes Commissioner Michael Spisz (R-Oxford), Commissioner Eileen Kowall (R-White Lake) and Commissioner Janet Jackson (D-Southfield). The other members include representatives from the Oakland County Health Division, the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services, the Oakland County Sheriff’s Office, the Oakland County Prosecutor’s Office, Oakland County Youth Assistance, Oakland Schools, CARE House of Oakland County, and Common Ground.
The primary objectives of the HTTF are to prevent the crime of human trafficking and protect and rehabilitate victims through education, advocacy and collaboration. For additional information about the Oakland County HTTF, visit www.oakgov.com/boc or call the Board of Commissioners at 248-858-0100. For additional information about Common Ground and its wide range of programs and services, visit www.commongroundhelps.org.
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