State awards $15M in grants for innovative education models

LANSING (AP) — Michigan is awarding nearly $15 million to consortiums of school districts, colleges, industry groups and others to start innovative education models.

Nine consortiums representing 260 entities are recipients of the first round of “talent” grants. Applicants shaped their proposals around high-demand, high-wage sectors including health care, information technology/computer science, manufacturing and the trades.

Nearly a third of the funding will be used to hire additional career “navigators” in a state where school counselors serve on average 729 students annually. About half the money will help the consortiums develop curriculum.

The consortiums represent school districts, postsecondary institutions, industry associations, Michigan Works! Agencies and 47 nonprofit or other organizations.

Gov. Rick Snyder said there was a “remarkable response” in the first round, and innovation and partnerships will continue in future rounds.

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