Photo courtesy of Water Resources Commissioner’s office
On Saturday, Dec. 14, the 15th Annual Kids’ Clean Water Calendar Contest Awards Ceremony honored the achievement of 12 contest winners and their families at the special recognition luncheon. This year, Detroit Public Television/PBS’s “Great Lakes Now” host Ward Detwiler joined Oakland County Water Resources Commissioner Jim Nash to celebrate the contest’s 15th anniversary milestone and winners. Since its inception, fun and creative engagement have been the Kids’ Clean Water Calendar Contest’s mission to educate area youth about the importance of keeping our waterways pollution free.
Out of more than 700 art submissions by fourth and fifth grade students in Oakland County, 12 finalists were selected with grand prize winner Kaylynn Sketch, a fourth grader from Troy’s Barnard Elementary School, taking home the top prize for her “Keep it clean, We live in the stream” themed artwork which graces the cover of the 2020 Kids’ Clean Water Calendar. At this year’s ceremony, for the first time in the contest’s history, Detroit Public Television filmed the event and interviewed the grand prize winner.
“The contest continues to be a popular educational program that encourages students to take care and protect our water resources. For the past 15 years, we have received more than 13,800 student entries and distributed over 78,000 calendars. We have expanded our educational reach by utilizing some of the artwork as part of our holiday parade float, and with the inclusion of “Great Lakes Now” for our contest’s anniversary, only adds to our public awareness efforts,” said Nash.
“It’s great to see so much interest in and understanding of water stewardship from the students,” said Detwiler, who hosts the monthly TV program, available online at “These are issues that we cover on our program on DPTV, and it’s great to see the young people expressing the information through artwork. I look forward to having this calendar on my office wall all year and being inspired by their work.”
The calendar features the artwork of 11 other monthly winners, in addition to 12 “honorable mention” and 24 “special acknowledgement” students’ art selections representing the calendar’s theme: “We Can All Help to Keep Oakland County’s Lakes, Rivers, Streams and Watershed Clean!” Each young artist’s work showcases ideas on how to keep local waterways and the environment clean. Drawing topics focused on how we can all prevent water pollution, how to conserve water and how we use and enjoy our vast water resources. For the first time in the contest’s history, a storm drain art category was introduced.
Calendars are available to order online at, on Facebook at waterresourceOC or pick up a calendar at the Water Resources Commissioner’s office, located at One Public Works Drive, Bldg 95 West, in Waterford.
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