On Tuesday, Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer signed House Bills 4128, 4152, 4153, 4203, 4204, 4444, 4445, 4468, 4689, 4830, 4832, 4862, 4912, 5043, 5044, 5117, 5118, and 5263, as well as Senate Bills 29, 30, 68, 118, and 693 into law.
House Bill 4128 allows a custodial parent to change a minor child’s name without consent of the noncustodial parent if the noncustodial parent had been convicted of first or second degree murder. The bill was sponsored by Representative Aaron Miller, R- Sturgis.
House Bill 4152 and 4153 allow individuals born to unmarried parents before 1978 to request their birth records through their local registrar. Under current law, these individuals must often pay a higher fee and travel to Lansing to retrieve the records. HB 4152 bill was sponsored by Representative Steve Johnson, R- Wayland and HB 4153 was sponsored by Representative Vanessa Guerra, D- Saginaw. The bills are tie-barred.
House Bill 4203 and 4204 amend the General Sales Tax Act and the Use Tax Act, and exempts the sale of a prosthetic device to a hospital or freestanding surgical outpatient facility from taxation. HB 4203 bill was sponsored by Representative Lynn Afendoulis, R- Grand Rapids Township and HB 4204 was sponsored by Representative Bronna Kahle, R- Adrian.
House Bill 4444 amends the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) to allow state agencies to make its publications available in electronic format. The bill was sponsored by Representative Steve Johnson, R- Wayland.
House Bill 4445 changes the fee calculation formula for providing a copy of a public record in an electronic format. The bill was sponsored by Representative Brandt Iden, R- Portage.
House Bill 4468 amends FOIA to allow the requestor to stipulate if they want the response be emailed, faxed or sent by first-class mail. The bill was sponsored by Representative Steve Johnson, R- Wayland.
House Bill 4689 Allows for temporary door barricade devices in school buildings and sets the standards. The bill was sponsored by Representative Scott VanSingel, R- Grant.
House Bill 4830 requires the Department of Health and Human Services to notify ambulance operations that they will be assessed fees under the Quality Assurance Assessment Programs (QAAP), which functions as a Medicaid provider tax regulated by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS). The department will have until November 1, 2020 to provide the first notice, and must provide the notice by November 1 each year thereafter. The bill was sponsored by Representative Andrea Schroeder, R- Clarkston.
House Bill 4832 designates a portion of I-94 in Jackson County as the “Deputy Gate Keeper George W. Haight Memorial Highway.” The bill was sponsored by Representative Sarah Lightner, R- Springport.
House Bill 4862 expands eligibility for job-related stress and trauma by amending the Public Health Code to expanding “critical incident stress management” for emergency service providers to include physicians and individuals employed by or under contract with a health facility or agency. The bill was sponsored by Representative Doug Wozniak, R- Shelby Township.
House Bill 4912 allows the Michigan Liquor Control Commission to provide permits to serve liquor at conference center facilities at Central Michigan University and Wayne State University. The bill was sponsored by Representative Roger Hauck, R- Union Township.
House Bill 5043 and 5044 amend the Mental Health Code to grant recipients of community mental health services the right to mediate disputes with mental health service providers. HB 5043 was sponsored by Representative Hank Vaupel, R- Handy Township. HB 5044 was sponsored by Representative LaTanya Garrett, D- Detroit. The bills are tie-barred.
House Bill 5117 exempts claims under the Wrongful Imprisonment Compensation Act from court of claims notification requirements and statute of limitations. The bill was sponsored by Representative Kyra Bolden, D- Southfield.
House Bill 5118 amend the Wrongful Imprisonment Compensation Act to extend the window during which certain individuals who were wrongfully incarcerated could apply for compensation under the act. The bill was sponsored by Representative Julie Calley, R- Portland.
Senate Bill 68 specifies that the period of limitations for claims against the State would not apply to a claim for compensation under the Wrongful Imprisonment Compensation Act. The bill was sponsored by Senator Paul Wojno, D- Warren.
House Bills 5117 and 5118 and Senate Bill 68 are tie-barred.
House Bill 5263 changes eligibility criteria for Michigan’s Lifeline landline subsidy program to align with federal criteria, and allows for service providers to opt out of providing Lifeline service beginning in 2022. At Whitmer’s request, several Michigan telecom companies, including AT&T and Frontier Communications, have committed to ensuring a smooth transition to available Lifeline services that support wireless and broadband access. The bill was sponsored by Representative Aaron Miller, R- Sturgis.
Senate Bill 29 and 30 protect children by providing higher criminal penalties for repeat child abuse offenders. The bills were sponsored by Senator Peter Lucido, R- Shelby Township. The bills are tie-barred.
Senate Bill 118 amends the Michigan Vehicle Code to permit a member of a Blue Star Family to apply to the Secretary of State for a “Blue Star Family” special registration plate. The bill was sponsored by Senator Kevin Daley, R- Attica
Senate Bill 693 will expand access to agricultural loans available through the Agriculture Disaster Loan Orientation Program Act by changing the maximum interest rate and offering farmers a longer window for repayment. The bill was sponsored by Senator Dan Lauwers, R- Brockway Township.
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