Western Michigan University Cooley Law School Associate Deans Tracey Brame and Michael C.H. McDaniel will be featured speakers during the annual September 11 West Michigan Community Day of Remembrance and Scout Salute, which honors those who died during the terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001. This year’s public event will be held virtually and is open to the public on the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Foundation’s (GRFPF) Facebook page, facebook.com/geraldrford, beginning at 7:19 a.m. (sunrise) and through sunset at 7:59 p.m.
McDaniel, himself an Eagle Scout, teaches Constitutional Law and is a retired brigadier general and former deputy assistance secretary for homeland security. He will speak at noon on civility during political discussions at all government levels, and how scouts who continue to practice the Scout Oath and 12 points of Scout Law have the ability to become leaders.
Along with her husband, Kenyatta, Brame is credited with starting an inner-city Boy Scout troop in Grand Rapids. Brame will speak about the importance of remembering September 11 and the importance of creating strong leaders through mentoring today’s youth who are most at risk.
For the 19th year, the President Ford Field Service Council, Boy Scouts of America – with support from the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Museum and the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Foundation – will lead the west Michigan community in a day-long salute. Individuals are asked to share photos of their virtual participation on the GRFPF’s Facebook page.
In addition to Brame’s and McDaniel’s presentations, honor guards from the Grand Rapids police and fire departments will lower the flag outside of the Gerald R. Ford Public Museum at sunrise to commemorate the opening of the day’s events. Additionally, the Grand Rapids Fire Department will ring a bell honoring those who died at the exact times the planes crashed into the World Trade Center, Pentagon, and in Shanksville, Penn.
The schedule of events being held virtually for the Community Day of Remembrance and Scout Salute on Friday, September 11, includes:
7:18 a.m. - Continuous Salute Begins
7:19 a.m. - Opening/Invocation/Introduction of Honor Guard (sunrise)
7:19 a.m. - Honor Guard Lowers Flag (at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Museum)
8:46 a.m. - Ring Bell for South Tower
9:03 a.m. - Ring Bell for North Tower
9:37 a.m. - Ring Bell for Pentagon
10:03 a.m. - Ring Bell for United Airline Flight 175
Noon - Speaker, WMU-Cooley Associate Dean Brigadier General Michael C.H. McDaniel
6:45 p.m. - Speaker, WMU-Cooley Associate Dean Tracey Brame
7:59 p.m. - Final salute with echo taps (sunset)
8:00 p.m. - Scout salute closes
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