The Justice Initiatives Committee of the State Bar of Michigan is pleased to publish the second annual A Lawyer Helps Pro Bono Honor Roll. The 2020 Honor Roll recognizes individual attorneys, solo practitioners, law firms, and corporations that support access-to-justice efforts by providing pro bono legal services to low-income individuals and families throughout Michigan.
Law firms and corporations that submitted an Honor Roll application and achieved a per-attorney average of 30, 50, or 100+ hours of pro bono legal services in 2019 were eligible for recognition on the 2020 Honor Roll. Individual attorneys and solo practitioners who submitted an Honor Roll application and provided 30, 50, or 100+ hours of qualifying pro bono legal services in 2019 were also eligible for recognition on the 2020 Honor Roll.
For the 2020 Honor Roll, the pro bono service hours provided by more than 1,200 Michigan-licensed attorneys in 2019 were submitted to the State Bar. While most eligible attorneys wanted to be publicly recognized for their qualifying pro bono service, many attorneys did not wish to be included on the published version of the Honor Roll and submitted their 2019 pro bono service hours to the State Bar for reporting purposes only.
Individual Attorneys & Solo Practitioners
Pro Bono Tier 1
100+ Hours of Service
Anthony Acciaioli
Anthony Adams
John Allen
Matthew P. Allen
Brad B. Arbuckle
Amanda Attipoe
Donald Baranski
Zeina Bazzi
Jennifer Z. Belveal
Christopher R. Boll
Barbara Bowman
Ka’Nea K. Brooks
Robert Brower
James E. Brunner
Christopher V. Burtley
Michael Callahan
Michael Campbell
Matthew S. Carstens
Matthew Cassar
Angela Cole
Jeffrey A. Crapko
Maxwell A. Czerniawski
Kelsey M. Dame
Frankie Dame
Jonathan S. L. Demers
Alexandra Dieck
Carl W. Dufendach
Joe Duffy
Morgan L. Esters
Richard Eusani
Conor T. Fitzpatrick
Gaetan E. Gerville-Reache
Leo P. Goddeyne
William W. Hall
Christopher Hanba
Roy Hebert
Susan Hellerman
James Hermon
Aimee J. Jachym
Patrick Jaicomo
Jeahad Kadaf
Rebecca Kerr
Sam Kilberg
Andrea Koop
Susan Kornfield
Kathrin Kudner
Emily G. Ladd
Chelsea Larsen
Rochelle Lento
Thomas W. Linn
Odey Meroueh
Heidi A. Naasko
Rick Pacynski
Frank Parkinson
Brittany Parling
Kimberly Paulson
Nashara A. L. Peart
Kimberly Ann Ray
Kristyn Recchia
Wendolyn W. Richards
Ted Seitz
Travis W. Simmons
Michael C. Simoni
Denise LaFave Smith
Brian Smith
Dan Stephenson
Jacob Tighe
Lucille Towns
Ryan VanOver
Brian D. Wassom
Donald Wheaton
Elizabeth Wilbur
Anne Yantus
Katelyn Young
Glen Zatz
Pro Bono Tier 2
50-99 Hours of Service
John Abbo
Ojone E. Ameadaji
Donovan Asmar
Elizabeth B. Baker
Lydia Barbash-Riley
Danielle F. Bass
Jaron Bentley
Robert Boley
Suzanne Bolton
Sherri L. Hight Bono
Robert Brody
Alison Carruthers
Mary Chartier
Kathleen Cole
Kirsten Corneliussen
Thomas W. Cranmer
Sarah Cylkowski
Lidiya Deane
Christopher Dine
Matthew Anthony Dupree
Ian Edwards
Darren Findling
Andrea Frailey
Tony Frasca
Charumati Ganesh
Regan Gibson
Caroline B Giordano
Erika L Giroux
Matthew J Greenberg
Rayan Harajli
Nazneen Hasan
Zainab S. Hazimi
Sarah Hazimi
Mary A. Hennessey
Nhan T. Ho
Patrick J. Hurford
Megan Irving
Michael L. Jespersen
Lara L. Kapalla-Bondi
Elizabeth Kitchen-Troop
Peter M. Kulas-Dominguez
Brian P. Lennon
Marla Linderman
Dennis W. Loughlin
Milo Madole
Evgeny Magidenko
Giuliano Mancini
Maria Martinez
Kurt P. McCamman
Patti McKenney
Nazune Menka
John Mooney
Barbara Moore
Michael E. Moore
Michael E. Morden
Jennifer Muse
Gary Neal
Katrina S. Nelson
Sara A. Nicholson
Gregory A Nowak
Samuel E Nuxoll
Emily C. Palacios
Stephen G. Palms
Mary Parisien
Cam Piggott
Leslie A. Pinney
Eric S. Polan
Serena Rabie
Laura Radle
Jeffrey Raphelson
Robert M. Riley
Richard A. Roane
Wayne Roberts
John Rolecki
Emily S. Rucker
Maria A. Ruggirello
Kimberly L. Scott
Erin Sedmak
Teresa H. Sharp
Erica Shell
Matt Shell
John Sier
Matthew Smith
Francine Snyder
Kent D. Sparks
Khalilah V. Spencer
Ronald A. Spinner
Stan Stek
Thomas Tallerico
Ashley Thompson
Christina Thompson
Maynard L. Timm
Xuanzhong Van Oosterhout
Samantha Van Sumeren
Joseph G. Vernon
Laura M. Vogel
Leon Weiss
Boyd White
Nicholas Winters
James L. Woolard
Pro Bono Tier 3
30-49 Hours of Service
Gerald Aben
Mark A. Aiello
Moriam Aigoro
Mark Allard
Celeste Arduino
Albert Asciutto
Robin W. Asher
Farah Ayoub
Gerald Bagazinski
Paul H. Beach
Gabriel E. Bedoya
Harvey Berman
Michael Bernard
John Birmingham
Andrew T. Blum
Marv Bromley
Joel C. Bryant
Russell J. Bucher
Crystal Bui
Kaitlyn Carr
John Cashen
Jeff Caviston
Vincent Condon
Peter Conway
Sandra Cotter
Michelle P. Crockett
Katelyn D. Crysler
Dmitri Culkar
Mike Cumming
Brandon Dalziel
Gregory D. DeGrazia
Timothy A. Devine
Jackie Doig
Zhiguo Du
Ashlee Duplessis
Steve Estey
Michael Fannon
Arnold Finkelstein
Michael Fisher
Michael D. Fishman
Courtney Fisk
Lauren Fitzsimons
Daniel Fricke
Gregory J. Gamalski
Nina Gavrilovic
Shirin S. Goyal
Briana Green
C. Ryan Grondzik
Rabih Hamawi
Sarah A. Harper
Sarah J. Hartman
Irene B. Hathaway
Carolina Rodriguez Hatt
Jacqueline Hayduk
Alyssa Hussein
Derek Jacques
Ryan Jarnagin
Eric Jay
Cale Johnson
Jonathan Kama
Susan Keener
Eric Klein
Scott Kocienski
Joe Kody
Catherine Kokotovich
Michelle Kolkmeyer
Kyle Konwinski
Jeffrey S. Kopp
Carina Kraatz
Kurt E. Krause
Timothy D. Kroninger
Bradley M. Krul
Norbert F. Kugele
Yvonne Kupfermann
Sheldon Larky
Sook Lee
Scott R. Lesser
Samantha Lindberg
Elisa Lintemuth
Gjina Lucaj
Nina E. Lucido
Mark Magyar
Anita C Marinelli
Alexandra Markel
Anthony J. Mavrinac
Vanessa L. Miller
Kristen Millerov
Sonal H. Mithani
Serj Mooradian
Donald P. Moore
Theresa Monaco
Scott Douglas Murdoch
Robert E Murkowski
Mel Muskovitz
Melissa Neckers
Matthew T. Nelson
Takura Nyamfukudza
Robert C. Okonowski
Ryan Mitchell Olson
A. Michael Palizzi
Anne N. Pastrana
Andrew M. Pauwels
Philip B. Phillips
Felecia Pryor
John Ready
Matthew Reens
Robert Reiland
Brittni W. Riley
James Rinck
Steven A. Roach
Kamil Robakiewicz
Kandra Robbins
Nelson O. Ropke
Marcy Rosen
Henry Moris Rubinstein
Zeinab Ali Saad
Reshma M. Sambare
Kevin Peter Sanker
Tyler Schofield
Mary P. Sclawy
Joseph Shannon
Julianne C. Sharp
Laura Sherbrook
Angela Sherigan
Samuel Simkins
Nicole Springstead
James E. Spurr
Dante Stella
Paul Stewart
Christopher R. Struble
Michael Sulaka
Cara Marie Swindlehurst
Kenneth Tableman
Adrean Shamika Taylor
Melissa Tetreau
Rob Tiplady
Sheryl Toby
John R. Trentacosta
Anne VanderBroek
Andrew VanEgmond
Hilary Vigil
Olivia K. Vizachero
Michael Vogt
Lu Wang
Ryan C. Watkins
Daniel I. Weberman
Dianne Wechter
Laura Weingartner
Adam M. Wenner
Jeanne Whalen
Alan Wilk
Michael E. Wooley
Neil Youngdahl
Elise Yu
Hassan Zaarour
Justin Zayid
Christopher Zdarsky
Lori Zellers
Mahja Zeon
Firms & Corporations
Tier 1
50-99 Hours of Pro Bono Service per Attorney
Marine Adams Law
Tier 2
30-49 Hours of Pro Bono Legal Services per Attorney
Bodman PLC
Foley & Lardner LLP
Kitchen Sharkey, PLLC
Miller Canfield
Schiff Hardin LLP
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