Oakland County arts, cultural and stewardship organizations have until Oct. 14 – less than a week – to apply for a grant of up to $50,000 from the $2 million Oakland Together Cultural Institution COVID-19 Support Grant pool.
The grants, which are made possible through federal CARES Act funding, are designed to help arts, cultural and stewardship organizations preserve jobs while continuing to offer services and programming to Oakland County residents. The grants can be used for salaries, rent or mortgage, purchasing personal protective equipment or utility payments, among other things.
“We know how important these arts, cultural and stewardship institutions are to the fabric of our communities and the well-being of our residents,” Oakland County Executive David Coulter said. “They are valuable partners who provide cultural understanding and diversity, conservation and stewardship while enhancing the quality of life for Oakland County and Southeast Michigan.”
To be eligible, an organization must be a non-profit with tax-exempt status that is physically located in Oakland County and provides most of its services to county residents. A complete list of eligible organizations and how funding must be used as well as an application is found at https://www.oakgov.com/covid/grants/Pages/cultural-institution-support.aspx.
Oakland County has allocated all $219 million it received in federal Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act funding, including more than $140 million in grants to help stabilize and support small businesses, residents and communities in every part of the county since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic.
The grants have been awarded to more than 10,000 local businesses, which employ 65,000 employees; 22 local chambers of commerce; 28 local school districts; residents having trouble making rent or mortgage payments, nonprofit entities, retailers, restaurants and communities, among others.
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