State Bar to present next conversation on race and justice

Michigan attorneys and other stakeholders in the justice system are invited to the next (virtual) meeting of the State Bar of Michigan’s Race and Justice Forum on Thursday, Oct. 22, at noon. The Forum, which launched in July amid a nationwide reckoning with racial injustice, offers a way for attorneys to share and learn about resources for improving the justice system for all.

Quarterly gatherings of the Race and Justice Forum are designed to bring together interested parties and stimulate conversation, advance knowledge, foster understanding of different perspectives, brainstorm solutions, and showcase opportunities to learn or help.

The October meeting will feature real-world examples of this work from guest speakers Zenell Brown, the executive court administrator of the Third Circuit Court, and Katie Brown, an attorney with Maddin Hauser.

Zenell Brown is the executive court administrator of the Third Circuit Court in Wayne County. She is a certified diversity professional, and co-author of a State Court Administrative Office approved mediation training curriculum.

She has also authored a book, “Coffee and Conversations: Inclusion and Belonging,” a guide to getting beyond the racial and economic chasm that has separated humans for far too long. Zenell suggests putting down the protest signs, stop marching, and just sit down with a cup of coffee and have an honest conversation while following her guidelines that lead to genuine change.

Katie Brown is a shareholder in Maddin Hauser’s Corporate and Employment practice group. She looks for proactive ways that employers can build business and protect employees.

As chair of the Oakland County Bar Association’s Diversity and Inclusion Committee, Katie has worked with her committee and OCBA board members to take meaningful action, including issuing an Anti-Racism Statement which may be signed by individuals, firms, and organizations, along with developing a series of three upcoming workshops to increase awareness of unconscious bias, micro-aggressions, and allyship.

Participants are encouraged to share their stories too. The State Bar wants to hear what other Michigan attorneys are doing – big or small – to move the needle toward justice. If participants have an experience that they think could help others, let the State Bar know about it when registering. A few minutes will be reserved for those to speak during the Forum.

To register, visit


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