The State Bar of Michigan's Business Law Section along with the Wayne State Journal of Business Law will present the "Third Annual Symposium on Corporate Oppression Actions and Business Law-Oppression in the Age of Pandemic." The two night event will be livestreamed from Grand Rapids on Wednesday and Thursday, November 11-12, from 4 to 8 p.m. each night
The interplay between the business courts and recent published precedents and the proliferation of claims under MCL 450.1489, 4515 is altering the landscape of the corporate oppression action and the application of fiduciary standards in the context of corporate disputes.
The Symposium on Corporate Oppression and Business Law explores effective techniques and tools in both prosecuting and defending the corporate action, as well as in business litigation more generally.
Some of the top practitioners and scholars in this arena are slated to share their strategies and speak on a variety of relevant topics in oppression and business law, national standards and pending legislative amendments in Michigan, practice management, discovery techniques, motion practice, alternative dispute resolution and perspectives from the bench. Audience questions and participation is strongly encouraged.
The symposium costs $25 and is free for law students. Register online at For questions about this event, contact the Business Law Section Administrator at 248-953-9022 or
Published: Tue, Oct 27, 2020