State Bar ADR Section takes a look at 'Eldercaring Coordination'

The State Bar of Michigan’s Alternative Dispute Resolution Section will present “Eldercaring Coordination, A Dispute Resolution Option” online Tuesday, May 25, from noon to 1:30 p.m. via Zoom.

Eldercaring Coordination is a dispute resolution option specifically attuned to the unique needs and characteristics of families in high conflict over the care and safety of an aging loved one. Through a one-year planning process and under the guidance of the Association for Conflict Resolution, the Senior Regional Collaborative is bringing Eldercaring Coordination, an innovative ADR process that addresses issues affecting our older adults—to Michigan.

The webinar’s agenda includes?:
  a. What is eldercaring coordination
  b. What are qualifications of eldercaring coordinators
  c. How is it different from elder mediation
  d. Benefits of eldercaring coordination
  e. Addressing risks, safety, and abuse issues in eldercaring coordination
  f. Plans to bring eldercaring coordination to Michigan
  g. How you can be involved

Speaking at the program will be:

• Sue Bronson, co-chair of the Association for Conflict Resolution

• Linda Fieldstone,co-chair of the Association for Conflict Resolution Elder Justice Initiative on Eldercaring Coordination

• Antonia Harbin-Lamb, licensed staff attorney for Neighborhood Legal Services Michigan-Elder Law and Advocacy Center

• Zena D. Zumeta, Mediation Training & Consultation Institute

To register for this free webinar, visit and click on”events.”