The invasion of the Ukraine by Russian armies sent by Vladimir Putin is sad and painful. Compassion and prayerful support for the people of Ukraine is happening all around the world. This unnecessary war touches everyone. When our hearts are touched by tragedy, something very profound happens. The best in people surfaces: Love, compassion, generosity and prayerful energy, and a connection with the whole world. Modern technology with cell phones, television, social media, and news reporting can help us understand the atrocities and uselessness of war. It also can help us understand the power of love and compassion. I am inspired by how many people are feeling such compassion for the people from Ukraine. Social media can be helpful in turning us toward our most compassionate self. It helps us see the importance of love and kindness and generosity.
There is a spirituality of compassion that each of us can observe each day on our television screens. It nudges us toward something deeper in life. It inspires us to search for loving solutions rather than warlike solutions. It can clearly show us the evil of war and inspire us to search for solutions based on love, kindness and generosity. Because of modern social media the whole world can quickly express goodness and support. But we can also see evil and destructiveness while sitting comfortably in our family room watching television. These are the times when we allow our hearts to be touched with compassion. But as we observe evil in all its warlike forms, we search for a solution that will bring out the best in people. This solution is based on love. It is built on compassion. It inspires courage. It challenges everyone to look deeper into our own hearts and find a God of Love and Compassion that will give meaning to this daily moment of existence.
As I sit comfortably in my home typing this article, feeling warm and cozy on this cold, February Day, I think of the suffering people in the Ukraine. I also think of the neighboring countries so willing to help the Ukraine by taking in the refugees from the Ukraine. I am inspired by most of the world expressing outrage at this invasion. This outrage, which is based on compassionate concern but not based on fighting with weapons and engaging in war, is the greatest weapon because it is based on love and compassion. The world is disarming Putin by expressing compassionate concern. Even the Russian people are marching on the streets of Russia to protest this invasion. Love will always overcome evil in due time.
Social Media has the power to pour love and compassion into the world. When social media becomes even more aware of the power present in teaching the world about Love, Compassion and an Awareness of the Presence of a Loving God in every person's life, the world can turn more quickly into a positive direction.
I live about a mile from a busy funeral home. Each day as I pass by that funeral home, I see so many cars in the parking lot. People coming together to express love and compassion to a grieving friend or relative. In entering a funeral parlor, everyone is connected in some manner because everyone is realizing the importance of opening up to grief and compassion. When we are compassionate toward another person or another nation, we connect deeper to our better self. We begin to experience love and compassion. This opens our heart to Someone or Something bigger than ourselves. We begin to have a profound, spiritual experience.
Right now, the whole world is having a profound, spiritual experience as it observes the pain and tragedy of the invasion of Ukraine. If we pay attention to this experience something positive will surface inside of us. This will be a deepening of Love. It will be a new depth of Compassion. It will become an experience of God.
What do we do with this experience? We simply bring more love into our corner of the world and treat everyone with more love, kindness and compassion. Life must remain simple for each of us. Experience God in a deeper manner by being more compassionate and loving toward everyone. Each day I am reminded of this by social media. I am grateful. Each moment I must listen to the nudges of pouring more love into the world. I must always make my corner of the world more loving by being more loving. What a blessing to become more aware of this. I am sending prayer and love to the people in the Ukraine and to Ukrainians all over the world at this very moment.
I am consciously aware of the importance of being loving toward everyone this day.
Fred Cavaiani is a licensed marriage & family therapist and limited licensed psychologist with a private practice in Troy. He is the founder of Marriage Growth Center. He conducts numerous programs for groups throughout Michigan. Cavaiani is associate editor and contributing writer for Human Development Magazine. His column in the Legal News runs every other Tuesday. He can be reached at 248-362-3340. His e-mail address is: and his website is