Black Women Lawyers Association celebrates anniversary

The Black Women Lawyers Association of Michigan (BWLAM) will host its 30th Anniversary Fundraiser "Blazing the Trail Through Trials" on Tuesday, June 28, from 6 to 9 p.m. The event will honor judicial trailblazers Wayne County Circuit Court Judge Deborah Thomas, retired Judge Cynthia D, Stephens, and retired Judge Denise Langford Morris.

BWLAM was founded on July 28, 1992 by a group of African-American women from the Metro Detroit area, who wanted to form a bar organization that focused on women issues; increased black female representation in the judiciary and in public offices; and to take a proactive stance on political issues. BWLAM focuses on the professional advancement of women lawyers and the promotion of women's rights. BWLAM has blazed a trail for 30 years through its founders and members.

Tickets for the 30th anniversary celebration are $60 for BWLAM members, $75 for non-members, and $30 for students. To purchase tickets, visit and search "BWLAM." Masks are not required but recommended for the event.