The Criminal Defense Association of Michigan will present a webinar on "Important Legislative Updates from Arrest to Sentencing" Thursday, September 22, from 11 a.m. to noon via Zoom.
Speaking at the webinar will be Stephanie Farkas, litigation support counsel with the Michigan Appellate Assigned Counsel System (MAACS). Farkas received her law degree from Wayne State University Law School in 2010. She received her Bachelor's of Arts degree in Political Theory and Constitutional Democracy from Michigan State University where she attended James Madison College. She has attended Gerry Spence's Trial Lawyers College "Defense of the Damned" seminar, the Criminal Defense Attorneys of Michigan Trial College, and continues to participate in various continuing legal education trainings. Farkas also serves on the Executive Council of the State Bar of Michigan's Criminal Law Section and is a member of the Model Criminal Jury Instructions Committee.
Cost for the webinar is $30. To register for the online program, visit