Court to conduct public administrative hearing

Pursuant to Administrative Order No. 1997-11, the Michigan Supreme Court will hold a public administrative hearing on Wednesday, September 21, via video conference (Zoom). The hearing will begin promptly at 9:30 a.m. and adjourn no later than 11:30 a.m. For those who wish to view the public hearing, a livestream can be accessed on the court’s YouTube channel.

Persons who wish to address the court regarding matters on the agenda will be allotted three minutes each to present their views, after which the speakers may be questioned by the justices. Each speaker will receive an invitation to participate in the Zoom meeting; the speakers will be called in order of item number and timing of request to speak. Speakers will join the meeting no later than 9:30 a.m. and will be muted until called on by the chief justice. Comments offered at a public hearing must pertain directly to an item on the public hearing agenda. To reserve a place on the agenda, notify the Office of Administrative Counsel by e-mail at, no later than Friday, September 16.  Those unable to register to speak by e-mail may call the office at 517-373-1239.

The administrative matters on the agenda for this hearing are:

1. 2002-37 Amendment of MCR 1.109
Published at 509 Mich ___ (2022)

Issue: Whether to retain the amendment of MCR 1.109 that provides an e-filing court with the authority to determine the most appropriate means of sending notices and other court-issued documents that are generated from its case management or local document management system.

2. 2020-33 Proposed Amendment of MCR 3.903
Published at 509 Mich ___ (2022)

Issue: Whether to adopt the proposed amendment of MCR 3.903 that would clarify the definition of a party in child protective proceedings.

3. 2021-11 Proposed Amendment of MCR 9.116
Published at 509 Mich ___ (2022)

Issue: Whether to adopt the proposed amendment of MCR 9.116 that would allow the Attorney Grievance Commission to initiate disciplinary proceedings against a former judge who, but for his or her departure from the bench, would have been removed from office based on misconduct that was the subject of judicial disciplinary proceedings.

4. 2021-13 Proposed Amendment of MCR 8.119
Published at 509 Mich ___ (2022)

Issue: Whether to adopt the proposed amendment of MCR 8.119 that would clarify that a request for a fee waiver must be filed in accordance with MCR 2.002(B), which requires the request to be made on a form approved by the State Court Administrative Office.

5. 2021-16 Proposed Amendment of MCR 7.305
Published at 509 Mich ___ (2022)

Issue: Whether to adopt the proposed amendment of MCR 7.305 that would clarify that the 28-day timeframe for filing an application for leave to appeal applies to cases where the respondent’s parental rights have been terminated.

6. 2021-17 Proposed Rescission of Administrative Order No. 1998-1 and Proposed Amendment of MCR 2.227
Published at 509 Mich ___ (2022)

Issue: Whether to adopt the proposed rescission of Administrative Order No. 1998-1 and the proposed amendment of MCR 2.227 that would move the relevant portion of the administrative order into court rule format and make the rule consistent with the holding in Krolczyk v Hyundai Motor America, 507 Mich 966 (2021).

7. 2021-18 Proposed Amendment of MCR 3.943
Published at 509 Mich ___ (2022)

Issue: Whether to adopt the proposed amendment of MCR 3.943 that would update the definition of “firearm” in juvenile proceedings to be consistent with MCL 8.3t, which contains the definition referenced in the court rule’s companion statute, MCL 712A.18g.

8. 2021-21 Proposed Amendment of MCR 3.613
Published at 509 Mich ___ (2022)

Issue: Whether to adopt the proposed amendment of MCR 3.613 that would clarify the process courts must use after receiving a request not to publish notice of a name change proceeding and to make the record confidential.

9. 2021-40 Amendment of Rule 5 of the Rules for the Board of Law Examiners
Published at 509 Mich ___ (2022)

Issue: Whether to retain the amendment of Rule 5 of the Rules for the Board of Law Examiners that specifically allows attorneys who are teaching in a clinical program to represent individual clients of that program.

10. 2022-06 Proposed Amendment of MCR 3.101
Published at 509 Mich ___ (2022)

Issue: Whether to adopt the proposed amendment of MCR 3.101 that would allow writs of garnishment to be served electronically on the Department of Treasury, subject to current e-filing requirements and guidelines established by the Department of Treasury.


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